Title: Chief engineer
Location: Pune, India
Start date: April 10, 2000
I love cars – I always have. Ever since I was a kid growing up in northern India, I wanted to work in the automotive industry. So being hired by Adient right after graduating with an engineering degree was really a dream come true.
I joined the program management team expecting to advance primarily within that field. Instead, my career has expanded far beyond my expectations – and I’ve gained a new set of responsibilities every few years.
In 2000, I began working for Adient at the India Tech Center (ITC) in Pune, where we provide critical support for global product development teams. When I started, we had 50 engineers. Today, I lead multiple engineering teams – and we’re more than 700 strong. We’ve developed products and prototypes for customers all over the globe. So far, we’ve hit every quality and delivery target.
From India to Germany, where I helped drive ITC engagement in Europe before returning home, my tenure with Adient has been an incredibly dynamic experience. My career is proof that Adient’s leadership actively rewards hard-working team members and supports cross-functional learning assignments. In my more than 16 years with Adient, no two days have been alike.